
ARTISAN - What the collector dreams, the artisan builds. Masters of their trades, their materials and their tools, serving the collector through the Great Design Disaster’s Agents to create one-of- a-kind pieces of Art and Design.
Before the must-have latest gadget. Before the Black Friday sales happening on the Thursday of the week before. There were artisans. And there still are artisans. Sure, they’re a not-so-protected species at risk of extinction and when they’re gone, we will lose all traces of where we’ve come from and how. The artisans built it all while the rest of us consumed, the roles distant, disconnected. The artisan spoke through their handiwork, distinctly but anonymous, dream-builders all but forgotten by the dreamers. Until now. The Great Design Disaster turns back this destructive tide and its tendencies by facilitating relationships between genius artisans and courageous collectors ready to entrust these creative whirlwinds, the artisans, with their own visions of Art and Design. No more shopping happenstance, no more loading up on conveniently placed baubles at arm’s reach. Today, collectors can bring their Art and Design visions to these gifted craftspeople and return to find their thoughts made manifest in certified authentic pieces,
true masterworks executed by singular talents just like the old days, before the Sunday traffic on the way to the Art and Design outlet.